Call for Input - Survey on Maritime Response to Ukraine Conflict

The Seafarers International Relief Fund (SIRF) has called for feedback on what more needs to be done to support seafarers impacted by the Ukraine crisis. The war in Ukraine continues to have deep impacts on those in the country, their families and seafarers abroad. To get a sense of what has been done and what now needs to be done, SIRF together with the Ukraine Charity Co-ordination group, is sharing this short survey.

The survey is calling on individuals and organisations in the maritime and welfare sectors to share their experiences on the support given so far to those affected by the Ukraine crisis and the ongoing needs of seafarers. The Seafarers International Relief Fund and the Ukraine Charity Co-ordination group wish to gather as much data as possible on the needs of seafarers visiting our ports and seafarers and their families in Ukraine or refugees abroad. The replies help them to plan for the future.

For those who wish to learn more about the survey, please read this press release.


Update Ukraine Crisis Support Fund


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